Classification | 004 |
Title | Pengembangan Metode Otentikasi Keaslian Ijasah dengan Memanfaatkan Gambar QR Code |
Edition | |
Call Number | 007/PD/2014 |
Author(s) | Eka Ardhianto, S.Kom., M.Cs. Drs. W.T. Handoko, M.Kom. |
Subject(s) | |
Series Title | GMD | Penelitian Dosen |
Language | Indonesia |
Publisher | |
Publishing Year | 2014 |
Publishing Place | |
Collation | |
Abstract/Notes | |
Specific Detail Info | The use of barcodes is not foreign . This is to make it easier to manage inventory , because these barcodes can store specific data in Unisbank example is the data member code library that includes books , identity number , name , etc. so that the computer system can identify the information that is encoded in barcodes with ease . Along with the rapid development of technology that is so , the use of barcodes are now being replaced with a QR Code . QR Code is a two- dimensional image that represents the data , especially the data in the form teks.QR Code is an evolution of the initial one-dimensional barcodes into two dimensi.QR Code has the ability to store more data than a barcode . One of the important data is in college diploma . Diploma is a document that serves as proof that a person has undergone authentic stage of formal education and successfully pass the exam . Conventional diploma is a diploma that is used today in physical form so that there is the possibility of a diploma is lost or damaged . Conventional certificate verification process is difficult because the process is carried out by the manufacturer hanyadapat diploma . The means used to verify the authenticity of the data diploma today is to make direct contact to the manufacturer's certificate of authenticity of the certificate holder , as well as the process of legalization tertandatangan diploma maker . From the conduct of research and testing conducted it can be concluded that : QRCode information can be used to accommodate a large alumni data , detection Easing authenticity certificate ownership information through mobile devices , and QRCode can be used to quickly verify the diploma graduate of the University Stikubank Unisbank quickly and accurately . Keywords : QR Code , Diploma , Authentication , Ownership |
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