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Classification SKR.III.01.0045
Title An Analysis of Cooperative Principle In a Conversation between Oprah Winfrey With James Frey as a Book Writer In the Oprah Winfrey Show
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GMD Majalah
Language English
Publishing Year 2009
Publishing Place
Specific Detail Info ABSTRACT This thesis presents a descriptive study of the cooperative principle in Oprah Winfrey Show. It is very interesting to analyze because people can understand someone with their utterances. Therefore this thesis is entitled “An Analysis Cooperative Principle in a Conversational between Oprah Winfrey with James Frey as a book writer in the Oprah Winfrey Show” The goal of this study is to identify and analyze the conversation principle of Oprah and James Frey as a book writer. To get the goal, the writer uses a descriptive qualitative research as the method of this thesis because the data are descriptively analyzed. Meanwhile, to collect the data, the writer uses library research because it is very useful to get the data accurately. The writer collects the data by using books that are related with the object of the research. On the other hands, the writer also collects the data by interviewing people who master and are related with the object of the study. By using the methods above, the writer gets the goal of this study that is to get the accurate and specific data. To identify and analyze the cooperative principle in a conversational between Oprah Winfrey with James Frey as a book writer in the Oprah Winfrey Show, the writer uses the theoretical study of Grice’s conversational implicature. It has four kinds of maxim; they are Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance and Maxim of Manner. This maxim is also used to explain the conversational between Oprah and James Frey in Oprah Winfrey show. The result of this study is that the writer found four kinds of Grice’s maxims, which are related with the research object. They are Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance and Maxim of Manner. Based on the result of analyzing, several sentences obey all maxims. The speakers of each utterance obey the Maxim of Quality because they have true evidences. The writer believes that the speakers or utterances can be proved that they use those maxims. Thus, those speakers are suitable with the characteristic of the Maxim of Quality those are: “do not say that you believe to be false”, “try to make your contribution one that is true”, “do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence”. So, it can be said that the utterances that can be proven by the true and strong evidences that they obey the Maxim of Quality. They do not only obey the Maxim of Quality but also Maxim of Quantity with the characteristic “make your contribution as informative as is required”, “do not make your contribution more informative than is required”. Maxim of Relevance because they are related with each other, they are suitable with the characteristic of the Maxim of Relevance that is “be relevant”. Maxim of Manner with the characteristic “avoid obscurity of expression”, “avoids ambiguity”, “be brief”, “be orderly”.
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